Maine Inshore Striper Fishing

Stalk Stripers on a Guided Fishing Adventure in Maine
Welcome to Maine Inshore Striper Fishing. Along with great fishing, I offer a stunning coastline tour that thrills my guests and often makes their day. However, my primary goal is to get you on fish and give you an experience to remember. I can take one to three people of any ability, and am prepared to teach you what yo need to know to be successful.
I offer 4, 6 and 8 hour fishing trips with opportunities to stalk the coastal bays, flats, beaches, estuaries, harbors and islands. You can cast flies, plugs or bait. There is nothing like seeing a big bass smash and latch on to a plug or a fly, make the drag on your reel scream, and begin the long tug of war with a stubborn and tireless game fish.

Fishing Maine’s Striped Bass
The striped bass is the primary inshore saltwater game fish on the Maine coast. They migrate from mid-Atlantic estuaries after spawning in the spring, arriving in Maine in early May. The smaller fish (schoolies) come first, with larger adults well entrenched by June. They hungrily pursue bait into our estuaries and mudflats, where the water warms first. In July and August, they move to cooler waters and frequent the outer ledges for food washed off the rocks and tide pools. September and October are the heaviest feeding times, as the fish prepare for their journey south to the waters off the Carolinas for the winter.
Stripers are opportunistic eaters. In Maine, their diet consists of clams, crabs, eels, sand eels, bloodworms, menhaden (Pogies), herring, Alewives, mackerel, and even lobster. They are aggressive feeders, and will pursue their quarry into shallow waters on mudflats, breaking waves on the beach and up against the wash from rocky ledges and shorelines. That doesn’t make them easy to catch, especially on bright days. Cloud cover, fog and low light offer the best opportunities to find them in these spots. On sunny days, we can look for fish In deeper water, Focusing on soft spots in currents and eddies, where stripers can ambush bait being pushed by the tides.
Book a guided striper fishing adventure with Captain David Eaton!