Fall 2023
Fall Recap Well, another sign of Climate Change is the late Fall Run in southern Maine waters. It wasn’t until mid-September that the fish put on the feed bag and started hitting the bait hard. We had some great days on the ledges all along the Cape Elizabeth...
Winter 2024
Surf Clamming
What does a striper addict do when the fish are gone? Tie Flies? Of course. One substitute is foraging for surf clams. Here’s how you do it: Wait for a lunar low tide. ( a minus low tide height) Then don your waders and bundle up from wind, water and cold Grab a pitch fork, mesh bag and bucket, and head down to the beach to probe for the fist sized clams just under the sand, at or below the water line. The “thunk” of fork connecting to a solid clam isn’t quite like a striper smashing a popper, but hey, it’s winter and you’re on or in the water! Cleaning is a chore, but you end up with fresh chopped clam meats for chowder, fritters or my favorite, Baked Stuff clams!